Charleston/Arastradero Poem


a poem by Nina Bell

First reading for Palo Alto city council, May 21, 2018

Fifteen years this project has run
Designed with care for everyone.
Walkers, bikers, drivers too
All were considered, even me and you.

The primary goal as you well know
Is to provide safe passage for our children to go
To one of eleven schools along the way.....
Which they need to maneuver twice a day.

Lower the speed, define the lanes,
Enhance the crossings, make the route more sane.
All act to encourage walking and biking.
A safer road is more to our liking.

And protected turn pockets, both in and out,
Help neighborhood drivers get about,
Without the fear of getting struck
By a car speeding like a hockey puck.

Throughout the years the Council has voted
To support the plan the staff has promoted.
With their careful design, fine tuned each time,
They've had all road users best interest in mind.

But the job isn’t finished, safe features aren’t done
Until the hardscape and landscape have finally begun.
So it is with great earnestness, I hope you do what is right
and approve the contract before you tonight.