This is way out of date. in 2017, the big projects are:
Road Diet on Middlefield
Designs nearing completion for Charleston/Arastradero and 6 bike boulevards. Maybe construction on the Bike Boulevards.
Designs near completion for 6 more bike boulevards.
Matadero Creek Trail is near death.
35% design done for 101 overpass at Adobe Creek. EPA may break ground near Newell, as well.
These projects are in the works in Palo Alto:
- Matadero / Marguerite Bike Boulevard
- 1st community meeting May 2013
- Presentation to PABAC August 2013
- 2nd community meeting Sept 2013 (??)
- Maybell (El Camino Way to Georgia) Bike Boulevard improvements
- 1st community meeting Sept 2013 (??)
- Castelella / Park Ave / Wilkie Way Boulevard
- Signage from Churchill to about Matadero
- Boulevard street signs
- Directional signs
- Changed 2-way stop sign at Castelella / ???
- Green lane on Park
- Removed stop sign at Matadero, added center lane curb on Matadero to slow turning traffic.
- Signage from Churchill to about Matadero
- RFP for consultant to work out details of next section (??)
- Curb cut at California / High Street widened 200%
- Barriers replaced with stop signs and ramps at Duncan / Creekside bridge.
- Matadero Creek Trail
- RFP for trail study released summer 2013.
- 101 overpass at Adobe Creek
- ~ 80% of funding found.
- Entering a design competition phase for the overpass.
- Oregon Expressway Improvements
- Bike Crossing signal at Ross
- Ped / Bike Safety at West Bayshore (between Oregon Expy and Oregon Ave.)